The Brag Media
News October 27, 2015

Australia will be the second country to get Beats Music

The success that Dr. Dre’s Beats Music is having in the US, after it replaced the MOG streaming service last week looks like being good news for Australian consumers. So far Beats Music is only available in the United States. But MOG’s Australian partner, Telstra, has confirmed it will be launching Beats in Australia by June.

According to Ryan Kaveney, General Manager of Telstra’s Entertainment Group, in a forum post to Australian MOG users  “Beats Music will eventually replace MOG as a product, we are likely to launch Beats later this year (pre-June 30) and will be the 2nd country in the world to do so.

“There is a lot of work which is required with technology/legal/product/content which is ongoing to make the service the best possible experience for Australians and not just a direct copy of what is available in the US. We will certainly be looking after our current MOG subscribers!”

There is no definite date yet as to when the 20-million track MOG is switched off in Australia (it’s April 15 in the USA) but Telstra is making sure that MOG customers won’t leap to Spotify or Rdio. Kaveney emphasised, “When the timing is right we will be in contact with our MOG subscribers about our plans to ensure a smooth transition onto the Beats Music service.”


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