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News October 12, 2021

Sacked Sony executive Tony Glover denies sexual harassment allegations & says he was a ‘scapegoat’

Editorial Operations Manager
Sacked Sony executive Tony Glover denies sexual harassment allegations & says he was a ‘scapegoat’

Pictured: Tony Glover (left) with former CEO Denis Handlin and former EVP Gavin Parry

Content warning: This article discusses allegations of sexual harassment and assault

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Former vice president of commercial music at Sony Music Australia, Tony Glover, has sensationally claimed he was a scapegoat for the actions of others at the embattled major record label.

Glover was sacked back in April, making him the first in a series of senior Sony executives to depart the local operation.

The allegations against Glover included bullying, inappropriate touching and harassment.

Glover denied the allegations at the time and appeared on last night’s Four Corners episode to double down on his claims.

He was asked by journalist Grace Tobin: “You’ve been accused of bullying, harassment and inappropriate touching. What do you say to that?”

Glover on last night’s investigative Four Corners episode 

He responded: “Umm, well I was not ever aware that that was a thing with me during my career at Sony Music. It was never made aware to me at any time until I was served with a document in February this year.”

Tobin also said Glover had been described as a “compulsive groper”, which Glover said shocked him.

“I have no knowledge of that and I don’t know why someone would say that. If that’s what they think, I apologise,” he added.

As to why he was fired if his conduct was not inappropriate, Glover said he was a scapegoat.

“You know, there was certain social media sites that were bringing the heat towards record companies, and certainly our record company, and in my mind, I think someone had to pay for that,” he said.

“And I think that, you know, the thing was, the heat’s coming, we need to do something about this, what’s the best way to deal with it? Let’s take out a senior executive. Look, we’ve fixed the problem and nothing to see here, move on.”

You can view the full report on ABC iView now

How did we get here? A timeline of Sony Music Australia’s upheaval 

12 April: Tony Glover sacked by Sony Music Australia over allegations of inappropriate behaviour
15 June: 
Sony Music Australia under investigation by head office for harassment & bullying
21 June: Sony Music Australia and New Zealand CEO Denis Handlin to depart
22 June: 5 questions that need answering after Denis Handlin’s exit
23 June: 
Sony Music’s Pat Handlin & Mark Stebnicki stood down as work culture investigation continues
24 June: ‘It is time for change’: Denis Handlin sends note to Sony Music Australia staff
24 June: Lawyers who previously represented Titus Day in battle against Guy Sebastian could bring class action against Sony Music Australia
28 June: Inside the Australian music industry’s toxic underbelly
12 July: Law firm considering class action against Sony Music Australia inundated with responses
26 August: Everybody Knows: A five-part investigation into Australia’s toxic music industry launches
31 August: Inside the investigation that will expose Australia’s music industry
1 September: Denis Handlin speaks: ‘I would never tolerate treating women in an inappropriate manner’
24 September: Wayne Ringrow departs Sony Music Australia
7 October: ‘Fear and intimidation’: Four Corners to reveal the inside story of Sony Music
11 October: ‘Systemic bullying, discrimination & misconduct’: Over 100 people break their silence on Sony Music Australia

For those needing support, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732

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