The Brag Media
News February 24, 2021

UNIFIED Music Group celebrates 10-year anniversary with interactive timeline

UNIFIED Music Group celebrates 10-year anniversary with interactive timeline

UNIFIED Music Group is celebrating a decade in business. Launched by Jaddan Comerford in 2011, the company will reflect on its history through an interactive timeline documenting its milestones.

Comerford first started UNIFIED as Boomtown Records, which eventually transformed into the company’s flagship heavy label UNFD. Current acts on the roster include My Chemical Romance’s Frank Iero, Northlane, Slowly Slowly and Yours Truly.

“Although I think a lot of people still confuse UNFD and UNIFIED, UNFD is in fact our heavy music label, which is essentially what Boomtown morphed into back in 2011,” Comerford said in a statement.

“So even though Boomtown is still resting on the shelf, the spirit lives on through UNFD which is now a global label, an idea that wouldn’t have even crossed my mind in 2002, other than in a dream.”

Since its formation, UNIFIED has expanded into one of Australia’s largest independent music companies, offering artist management, label services, events and merchandising. The company has also established four offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London and Los Angeles.

UNIFIED Music Group's 10-year timeline

“In 2011, we created our mission statement that reads: ‘UNIFIED is the soundtrack of good people working together to achieve extraordinary results’. Although this didn’t exist in the very beginning, it really is what has driven us all along,” Comerford said.

“UNIFIED is a company that aims to serve people. This includes artists, team members and the broader public and 2021 is a year where we will continue to build on this mission, our vision to innovate and improve, and ultimately dream of a world where we are celebrating in 2031, 2041….”

Even though UNIFIED is 10 years old, next year will mark two decades of Comerford working in the industry. Over time, he has realised a business is only as strong as the team involved.

“UNIFIED is a business that invests in good people with good ideas. We build careers and we do work with people we love doing it with,” he said.

“We aren’t always perfect and we don’t always get it right, but looking back at where we’ve come from, and the people who have been on the journey, it definitely makes you stop to smell the roses.”

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