The Brag Media
News November 16, 2022

Grinspoon’s Phil Jamieson Donates Guitar For CrewCare Fundraising

Grinspoon’s Phil Jamieson Donates Guitar For CrewCare Fundraising

Grinspoon’s Phil Jamieson has donated a guitar worth $2,799 to auction off as part of Ausmusic T-Shirt Day.

The proceeds go to road crew association CrewCare’s cash-raising for the Support Act Roadies Fund.

The scheme looks after the welfare of live production workers, ensuring they have access to ongoing vital crisis relief and mental health services.

“In 2020, Grinspoon played the Spring Loaded Tour, which had had all my favourite bands – You Am I, Regurgitator, Custard, Jebediah, Screamfeeder and Frenzal Rhomb,” said Jamieson.

“It was like Homebake on the road again.

“I thought I’d get a new guitar for that tour, and I received this amazing Rivolta Combinate XV guitar from the fine people at Coleman’s.”

Parts of Spring Loaded kept being rescheduled due to pandemic restrictions, and the tour finally wound up in Wollongong on Oct. 22.

Grinspoon are now on a lengthy hiatus, and Jamieson’s plans are to write songs, do solo gigs, and catch up with as many music theatre productions as he can.

“I caught the music theatre bug after I played the lead role in the Australian production of Green Day’s ‘American Idiot’ in 2017,” the singer said.

“I had a really good time on that, I learned a lot especially about the cast’s dedication to their craft, and I keep in touch with many of them.

“If someone offered me that gig, I’d say yes immediately.”

The idea of giving away the guitar came after he looked back at what a hectic highpoint 2022 had been for him and realised he had a lot to be thankful for.

Grinspoon remained a major live drawcard, including headlining Spring Loaded, playing the main stage at Splendour, and receiving rave reviews for an exhilarating pre-match set before 60,000 at the National Rugby League’s Ampol State of Origin Two at Perth’s Optus Stadium.

At the same time, Jamieson released a much-regarded solo album “Somebody Else” through Cheersquad and toured behind it.

“I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what the Australian music industry had given to me.

“I wanted to give something back, and had the idea that whatever Support Act does I’d be happy to help, especially for those behind the scenes.

“I was thinking about those incredible people who’ve worked for Grinspoon through the years, and on my solo runs, and others crews who work for other bands whom I’ve met on the way.”

Jamieson said the band and their crew are very close, calling them family.

“I’ve been in Grinspoon for 27 years, and we’ve basically had the same crew members.

“We’ve kept it tight, no more than 10 to 12 over the years.

“You get very close when you’re on the road. They look after us, and hopefully we look after them.

“Let’s face it, what are we without the flashing lights and the great sound?”

Jamieson had no second thoughts giving the Rivolta Combinate XV away to a new home.

It was in good condition, having only been used for one song, “No Reason” all during Spring Loaded.

“Number one, I love the way it looks, it’s really beautiful.

“It’s light to play, and it’s got a classic sound when you’re playing solos.”

Ausmusic T-Shirt Day is this Friday, Nov. 18.

You can bid on the guitar or donate to Team CrewCare here.

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