Nightlife Music to add “viral videos” to over 10,000 screens in venues

Hilarious clips of stacks and falls are coming to a pub or club near you.
Nightlife Music, who supply on-screen entertainment to over 10,000 venues, have just inked a deal with Los Angeles-based digital entertainment company Jukin Media.
According to the Brisbane-based Nightlife, it’s the first licensing deal of its kind in Australia.
Jukin Media own and operate social video brands People Are Awesome, FailArmy and The Pet Collective. These mastheads make up much of what we already see on social media, with 190 million followers and nearly a billion monthly video views.
Nightlife head of content Matt Lymbury said the deal will boost its premium entertainment content across its network of pubs, clubs, fitness and leisure venues.
“Nightlife has one of the most compelling music video catalogues in the world, but with the immense popularity of viral videos globally we are constantly looking for highly engaging content, which is valued by our clients,” Lymbury said.
“Access to Jukin’s remarkable short-form content and its expertise in aggregating the world’s best amateur videos is a superb arrangement and further fuels Nightlife’s expansion into screen management.”
Jukin Media says this is the first digital out-of-home deal that will see content from its brands distributed on screens in venues throughout Australia.
“The Jukin brands get massive viewership and engagement on all screens from social media to connected TVs – displaying Jukin content is a terrific way for Nightlife’s venues to ensure viewers stay engaged, entertained and locked on to screens,” said Brendon Mulvihill, senior vice president and head of licensing at Jukin.