The Brag Media
News August 21, 2019

MusicNSW appoints three officers for regional pilot scheme

MusicNSW appoints three officers for regional pilot scheme

NSW’s peak music association MusicNSW is launching a new Regional Music Officer (RMO) pilot program to generate more music activity in the state’s regional areas.

This morning it announced the three selected – Phoebe Pinnock (Wagga Wagga), Saturo Kramer (Bermagui) and Michael Simic (Major’s Creek).

The part-time roles are designed to connect and bolster music communities through hosting networking events and brokering relationships between venues, artists, councils and other key stakeholders.

Emily Collins, MusicNSW’s managing director pointed out:

“There is such a wealth of musical talent living and working in regional NSW – both artists and industry. Some incredible venues that are under-utilised.

“Instead of flying in and out to run a masterclass here and a workshop there, we wanted to employ – and support – local people to develop and build their own music communities.

“Each town is different and has its own needs – and we’re thrilled to have Phoebe, Sats, and Michael on board to be our eyes and ears on the ground so we can better support music communities in regional areas”.

Simic, RMO for the Southern Tablelands, said, “I’ve seen first-hand how much enthusiasm there is for great music in regional NSW.

“Sometimes it can be hard for venues and artists to connect, and I feel excited to have the opportunity to help bring them together so they can make amazing things happen.

“Songwriters help us tell our stories, and that brings individuals and communities together.”

Pinnock, based in Wagga Wagga, maintained, “Our local music is the glue that binds communities, it’s the attraction that subtracts the traction from the everyday grind and it can be the soundtrack to meeting the love of our lives.

“It creates connections, friendships that last a lifetime and ultimately it is the genesis of many families in my hometown.”

Kramer added, “It’s extremely exciting to be working with such an amazing team.

“Everyone is passionate about the state of the music industry and I’m honoured to be part of this group of individuals.”

The Regional Music Officer program is a 12-month pilot, completing in June 2020.

The three RMOs have been undertaking a music census of their local areas since July and will be hosting their first public networking sessions in the last week of September.

Head to for full details.

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