The Brag Media
Opinion July 26, 2018

Isn’t it weird how triple j lost its way as soon as I got older?

Isn’t it weird how triple j lost its way as soon as I got older?

As I have aged, I have noticed the darnedest thing: triple j no longer appears to be appealing to the youth.

Back when I was a teenager, triple j was really in the pocket, playing song after song that really connected with me; great music from bands who knew what they were doing. Quality music.

Now, as I sit in my 30s, the station seems to have lost its way. The music they play is no longer recognisable.

I find myself actually listening to stations not at all aimed at me, like WS-FM or Double J. Triple J used to play bands like Grinspoon and The Whitlams, now these acts don’t even get a look in. It’s like the entire remit of the station has shifted.

Triple J has completely changed, and not for the better.

Meanwhile I remain exactly the same: a relevant music lover, arms crossed impatiently at the front of a Spiderbait gig, blocking the view of a girl.

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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