Australian country music promoter Rob Potts passes away, aged 65

One of Australia’sbiggest champions of country music, Rob Potts, has passed away aged 65.
The co-founder of CMC Rocks was involved in a single-vehicle motorcycle crash,while riding with a group on Tasmania’s West Coast.
A longtime member of the Country Music Association (CMA) Board of Directors, Potts held the position of chairman of the Australian CMA Advisory Group, and was awarded the Jo Walker Meador International award earlier this year in recognition of his outstanding achievement in advocating and supporting country music’s marketing development in territories outside the United States.
CMA CEO Sarah Trahern released a statement followingthe tragic news ofthe industry legend’suntimely death.
“The CMA Board and staff as well as the country music community were devastated at the news of Rob’s passing.”
“He was a key driver of our international expansion for the past years and waived the country flag proudly in Australia. On a personal note, my husband Wayne and I have lost a vibrant friend. Rob lived life to its fullest,” Trahernsaid.
Speaking to TMN earlier this year, one of the starsPotts was most excited about, Morgan Evans,named hismanager as one of thebiggest champions in his career thus far.
“They [Rob Potts andKerry Roberts]were the first ones on the ground here, and have been for a long time.They are well ahead of anyone else.”
Potts was also an instrumental player in establishing TMN’s Country Airplay Chart.
Potts is survived by his son, Jeremy, and ex-wife Sally.