The Brag Media
News July 22, 2020

Aussies are searching less for music on social media during COVID-19

Aussies are searching less for music on social media during COVID-19

It would be an understatement to say Australians are major social media enthusiasts. 79% of us check out a social media platform once a day, 31% go in ten times a day.

Usage by women is higher, with 37% going in ten times a day, compared to 25% of men. Younger generations are the most frequent users – 55% of the 18-29 demo check social media at least 10 times a day.

The Yellow Social Media Report 2020 shows a lessening of option searches for music and entertainment down during the pandemic.

For music, women dropped 15% from 47% to 32%. In comparison, men just dropped by 3%, from 53% to 50%.

When it came to options for entertainment, women dropped by 18% from 63% to 45%, with men down by just 5% from 52% to 47%. For movies there was a dip from 60% to 48% for women, while men showed an increase from 52% to 56%.

The general behavioural change was most significant for games: women from 29% to 14% while men stayed the same at 34%.

In terms of reasons for using social media, checking out concert details and following bands rated #7, with 22% of respondents. It was 27% for women and 20% for men.

When people use social media to do their research, holidays, travel and accommodation related searches topped the list (65%). 

This is followed by entertainment (58%), movies and TV shows (56%), clothing and fashion (55%), appliances and electronic equipment (53%), hospitality venues (51%) and music (50%).

For research on music, the split was 53% for men and 47% of women. In terms of age groups, it was highest (63%) for the 16—29 group, followed by 58% for the 30—39 group.

That was followed by 49% for the 50—64 group,  41% for the 40—49 group, and tapering off to 24% for those aged over 60.

Although TikTok and Twitch are seen as the cool new kids in class, Facebook remains by far the most popular social media platform in Australia with an 89% usage (down from 91% last year). YouTube is second  with 54% and second highest with men.

45% of respondents use Instagram, which is the second most popular among women.

The average Australian Facebook user accesses the platform 29 times a week, with Aussies checking Instagram 28 times a week and Snapchat 27 times.

Australians stay longest per session on YouTube (30 minutes), Tik Tok (26 minutes), Tumblr (18 minutes), and Facebook and Pinterest (both 17 minutes).

9% of respondents feel ‘anxious’ when unable to access their accounts – higher among women (13%) and those aged 18-29 (16%).

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