The Brag Media
News February 15, 2021

Over half of Victoria’s music industry considering leaving due to the pandemic [report]

Over half of Victoria’s music industry considering leaving due to the pandemic [report]

More than half of respondents (58%) in a newly-released study are considering leaving the music industry in light of the pandemic’s effect on Victoria.

Released today, the Understanding Challenges to the Victorian Music Industry During COVID-19 report recorded responses from 292 workers in the music industry at the height of Melbourne’s second lockdown last year. The research was conducted by RMIT University for the Victorian Music Development Office and the Victorian Office for Women.

In the report, just under three quarters of respondents said their income had decreased, with 57% expressing concern about paying for basic necessities like rent and food. In addition to the more than half of respondents who were considering leaving the sector, 80% said their involvement in the industry would be different following the pandemic.

Respondents also noted they’d be seeking improved working conditions, external industry support through funding, continued recognition for the sector and changing industry culture when the sector begins to regenerate.

“The survey also highlights that the pandemic has exacerbated and continued some already-existing problems within the Victorian music industry, including income security, discrimination and elitism as well as issues linked to location and demographics,” lead researcher Catherine Strong said in a statement.

“However, the consequences of the pandemic also enhanced some positive aspects for the sector, including greater community-mindedness, innovation, creativity and a commitment to music-making.”

The full report can be found through the VMDO’s website.

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