The Brag Media
News September 9, 2021

NSW venues set to reopen once 70% vaccination target is reached

NSW venues set to reopen once 70% vaccination target is reached

NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian has announced a number of COVID-lockdown measures will be eased once the state hits its 70% vaccination target.

As part of the state’s lockdown exit plan, certain freedoms will be granted to those who are fully vaccinated or who have received medical exemption, with music and hospitality venues, gyms and hairdressers to reopen for those eligible by the end of October.

NSW’s hospitality venues will be allowed to reopen subject to density quotients, with four square metres per person indoors and two square metres per person in outdoor settings. Drinking while standing will also be permitted while outside.

The state’s stadiums, theatres and outdoor facilities will also be reopened with a 4sqm density quotient, with a maximum capacity of 5,000 people.

Up to 500 people will be able to attend ticketed and seated outdoor events, while indoor entertainment facilities such as theatres, music halls, cinemas and galleries can reopen with either one person per 4sqm or a 75% fixed seated capacity.

Weddings will also return with a maximum capacity of 50 fully vaccinated guests. Dancing will be allowed, however, drinking must occur while sitting down.

A mask mandate will remain in place for all public indoor settings, while all hospitality staff will be required to wear masks when serving in outdoor settings.

Elsewhere, five visitors can meet in a property where all adults are fully vaccinated, while up to 20 fully vaccinated people will be able to gather in a public outdoor setting.

Berejiklian said that the freedoms would only be granted to those who complied with the rules and stressed that NSW was far from tackling the pandemic just yet.

“I cannot stress enough how important it is for people to get vaccinated,” Berejiklian said.

“If you have not had both doses of the vaccine by the time we hit the 70% milestone, you will not be able to take advantage of these freedoms.”

The NSW Government has also stated that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches its 80% vaccination target, including those based around international travel, community sport and major events.

For further details, visit NSW Health.

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