The Brag Media
News October 5, 2018

North Byron Falls & Splendour festival site copped $30k of fines

North Byron Falls & Splendour festival site copped $30k of fines

According to a release from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, North Byron Parklands – home of Splendour in the Grass and Falls Byron Bay – has landed $30,000 of fines.

Both fines were for exceeding the restrictions on the number of patrons at Falls 2016/17 and Splendour in the Grass 2017.

Parklands was just one of various sites that got into trouble.

The Dept. of P&E has expanded its compliance year, said its director for compliance, Ben Harrison, and had maintained operations in Lismore and Byron in the last financial year.

In that period, out of 109 inspections, 11 penalty notices and eight official cautions were issued in the Northern region.

In the meantime, last month, Parklands provide financial support to two local organisations as part of its Community Assistance Fund.

It’s become the main sponsor of the Shores United Soccer Club, providing $15,000 ($5,000 per year over three years) between 2018 and 2020 for the club to make improvements to its home base and purchase much-needed equipment and ancillary items.

In a partnership with Splendour and Falls, Parklands has contributed to a five-year funding for Ocean Shores Public School.

The $25,000 contribution means the school’s music program will continue for K-2 students for another five years.

It gives children weekly access to music lessons at school with professional instrumentalists through the Northern Rivers Conservatorium (NRC) in Lismore.

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