The Brag Media
opinion Opinion July 1, 2019

“Music brings people in”: Dan Rosen on OneMusic Australia

“Music brings people in”: Dan Rosen on OneMusic Australia

Music makes the world better. All of us who work in the music industry know this to be true. The same can also be said for business – playing music in a business makes that business better.

It is this relationship that lies at the heart of the creation of OneMusic Australia, a new initiative launched today by PPCA and APRA AMCOS.

OneMusic Australia is the result of over two year’s hard work from many people across APRA AMCOS and PPCA, in consultation with a range of peak body representatives and industry groups.

At its simplest, OneMusic Australia provides a one-stop licence for businesses to play music. Be it a restaurant, pub, hairdresser, cinema or café – this is what music users have been asking for.

Where previously these businesses may have needed to speak to both APRA AMCOS and PPCA to meet their music licensing needs, OneMusic Australia will now provide a single, simpler interface.

We’re moving the process online, with a new website that will allow businesses greater freedom to serve themselves and to seek information. This will deliver increased transparency, save businesses time and reduce the burden of compliance.

Why is this important for the music industry? We believe that by making it easier to seek and receive a music licence, more businesses will be encouraged to play music.

And the more businesses that play music, the better we can collect and grow the licence fees owed to our members for the public performance of their music – recording artists, songwriters, labels and publishers – which ultimately impacts the wider economy.

PPCA represents over 45,000 record labels and recording artists, and APRA AMCOS has over 100,000 songwriter and publisher members – so thousands of people in the industry stand to benefit from a more streamlined and efficient means to licence music to Australian business.

My hope is that OneMusic Australia will help build a healthy and symbiotic relationship between Australian businesses and the local music industry. Study after study proves that music helps businesses to succeed. Music brings people in. Music increases time spent in stores. Music increases the money spent at venues.

OneMusic Australia is the latest step in our ongoing journey with Australian businesses to talk about the value of music, to our mutual benefit.

If you think of your favourite pub or cafe, chances are you know exactly what kind of music they play. Music plays an indelible part of a business’s colour and atmosphere. It’s part of the reason why you chose that pub or café to be your favourite in the first place.

PPCA shares a mission with APRA AMCOS to support our artists and creative community. We understand that music doesn’t create itself – it takes years of hard work, dedication and inspiration. When that music is then used by a business, the artist and songwriters must be compensated. That money not only sustains the lives of our musicians, but can also be invested into making more music and creating more connections with audiences that businesses can continue to tap into.

For Australian businesses, OneMusic Australia is a welcome simplification. For our recording artists, songwriters, and members, OneMusic Australia is an opportunity. Music licensing has a new modern platform in Australia that is designed to move with the times.

I look forward to seeing OneMusic Australia thrive and grow for many years to come, and for everyone – businesses and musicians – to benefit from the value of music.

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