Mushroom launch brand agency Mushroom Creative House
Mushroom Group have just announced the official launch of their new in-house agency, Mushroom Creative House (MCH). Joining their subsidiary companies such as the groups publishing, touring, public relations and booking agency service, MCH is set to ensure that the Mushroom Group can focus on building brand recognition across all platforms.
The new service is designed to create, build and nurture the holistic brand experiences. MCH is hoping to revolutionise how brands interact within the music and entertainment sphere. They aim to achieve this through a concept that offer’s two divisions agency that both connect and creates.
Micheal Gudinski expresses that “our aim is to create unique campaigns that benefit the artist, our partners and always the fans.”
So far the company has connected brands with the music industry such as working with Optus, Qantas, AAMI, Vodafone etc. MCH provides these companies with content such as video content, artwork concepts and digital development to help build brand recognition. They also want to navigate their partner’s through the music industry via their unparalleled experience and superior industry knowledge.
Mushroom Group join labels such as Sony Music Group who already work with companies such as SyncShop, Tread Shop and Arcade Creative Group who specifically focus on building brands. Secret Sounds Connect, part of the Secret Sounds Music group aim to develop sponsorships and enhance brands within the music industry.
MCH are now set to navigate a portal between world class artist’s and brands and focus on engaging all demographics in the most compelling ways.