The Brag Media
News August 4, 2021

Live Nation artists’ contracts reportedly have a coronavirus gagging order

Live Nation artists’ contracts reportedly have a coronavirus gagging order

A new development in the saga of COVID-19 against the live music industry sees an interesting plot twist, supposedly involving music event promoters, Live Nation.

As per NME, artist Courtney Jay has taken to Twitter to share anonymous text messages she received from her contact in the music industry, where they revealed that they contracted the Delta variant of COVID-19 and as per their contracts with Live Nation, they were not allowed to publicly announce it.

The screen shotted text messages shared by Jay read, “hey girl – i know you’re about to start a tour. I want to let you know that 8 out 11 people on my tour tested positive for Covid and we were all fully vaxxed. We all caught the delta variant, it’s much more transmissible than the previous strains.”

They continued, “as per the contract signed with Live Nation, we’re not allowed to make any public statements but I can tell people I know privately.”

The final screen shot then mentions the alleged gagging order.

“can you let everyone know what’s going on here? This gag issued by Live Nation is going to get a lot of people sick. Or worse.”

A Live Nation representative has since responded to Jay’s tweet which she tagged them in, saying, “receiving messages like this from friends makes me incredibly concerned for all musicians and crew members on the road right now. please stay safe everyone. also – wtf Live Nation.”

In response, the representative has claimed that company do not have a “covid gag order” in their contracts.

They wrote, “There is absolutely no covid gag order in our contracts. We care about our employees, crew, fans & artists and will continue to meet requirements of local health officials as we put on events.”

For more on this topic, follow the Industry Observer and the Live Music Observer.

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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