The Brag Media
News January 22, 2021

Jaxsta signs first commercial API sale with Nightlife Music

Jaxsta signs first commercial API sale with Nightlife Music

Jaxsta, the world’s largest dedicated database of offical music, has announced their first commercial API sale to Nightlife Music. 

The API will be provided for a monthly recurring fee for an initial 12 months and allows Nightlife to enhance its content management platform by accelerating music discovery and rights license validation. Nightlife has the option to extend beyond the initial 12-month term.

Implementation of the API by Nightlife is anticipated to be completed by this April. Jaxsta will obtain all approvals from its data partners prior to the commencement in accordance with its existing Commercial Data Access Agreements.

The API Sales Agreement represents the first revenue to be generated from Jaxsta’s Data Solutions Business Segment. The revenues to be earned from the individual agreement are not considered material for disclosure purposes. Jaxta anticipates signing more deals over the coming months as they continue to grow this segment.

“This first API deal represents the official commencement of our data solutions recurring revenue business unit,” Jaxsta’s CEO and co-founder Jacqui Louez Schoorl said. “Nightlife services over 4,500 B2B customers across many industries ranging from hospitality, fitness, retail, accommodation, leisure, dining, cruising to education and entertainment. This highlights the need for accurate, up to date, deep linked music metadata across many industries.

The level of interest in our commercial API remains very encouraging and we continue to see it
as an integral component of Jaxsta’s business model. We are distilling the many unique data
requests we have received to date into a comprehensive scalable API solution that delivers
these customer requirements. Jaxsta will play a role in helping Nightlife deliver data integrity
to music suppliers and Performing Rights Organisations. ”

Leanne de Souza Co-Owner and Non-Executive Director of Nightlife Music added: “Accurate
data is crucial for the rights management of music. We are proud to partner with another
Australian owned music-tech company. Our developers and content teams are excited for the
potential of Jaxsta’s API to ensure rights holders are accredited and paid accurately for the use
of songs and sound recordings in public performance on the Nightlife Music and crowdDJ platforms.

The Jaxsta Announcement can be found on the Jaxsta Investments page here.

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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