The Brag Media
News August 18, 2020

Calling on tomorrow’s rock stars: Double J launches Home School of Rock

Calling on tomorrow’s rock stars: Double J launches Home School of Rock

For those about to rock, listen up.

Double J is beating the drum with its Home School of Rock, a new campaign offering music fans the chance to score virtual tuition with the best in the business.

The 2020 school of excellence will be taught by Olympia, Ngaiire, Benny Walker and L-FRESH the Lion, all of whom will Zoom it in for one-on-one lessons.

Lucky winners will get a chance to hone their guitar skills, build beats, refine their wordplay or harmonise like a hero.



To enter, sign up to the Double J newsletter by clicking here, fill out the form, select which artist you’d dig to work with, and in no more than 25 words, deliver your best elevator pitch on why someone else shouldn’t get this special prize.

With most Australians either stuck in lockdown or wondering when we’ll return to those sweet times pre-COVID, the Home School of Rock is the right activity at the right time.

With artists shut out from performing live, streaming technology is providing that essential portal to fans and the rest of the world.

Livestreaming is one of the only cheery notes playing out of these strange times. And it’s here to stay, notes Rolling Stone. Post-pandemic, expect virtual gigs to become a big — and highly competitive — business.

Meanwhile, those of us stuck at home tinkering on our instruments can sure use some help.

Entries in the competition for a one-on-one lesson close 30th August 2020 at midnight AEST. One entrant will be chosen as the winner.

Read more on the inaugural Double J Home School of Rock teachers and enter here. And check out out some Home School of Rock tutorial videos right here.

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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