The Brag Media
News January 6, 2022

A chorus of Australian musicians are slamming the federal government

A chorus of Australian musicians are slamming the federal government

A chorus of Aussie musicians are slamming the federal government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it everything from a “shit-show” to a “shambolic mess”.

Detailing his “scary” symptoms on social media last night, singer Anthony Callea outlined his experience being diagnosed with suspected Delta variant.

“Today is the first day I’m actually feeling somewhat human, I can’t speak from all the coughing, I’m really tired and throat is still sore, but at least I feel alive,” he posted.

“I have so many people in my life that have had COVID or have it now as well, and it’s shit and it’s real and it’s destroying lives.”

Callea, who is double vaccinated, took aim at the government after imploring people to “try and do the right thing by others.”

“If only our government would do the right thing by others and it’s people and manage this shambolic mess!” he wrote.

“I could go on and on but I don’t have the energy.”

Fellow Victorian artist and author Clare Bowditch also took to Instagram to share an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Describing 13 family members testing positive to COVID since Christmas – including two of her children – Bowditch described the “increasingly LESS detailed” text messages from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

“(We) have been told we must not end our (marathon/relay of a) quarantine-period and cannot safely re-enter the community or our work-places until returning a negative (unavailable, unaffordable) RAT test on Day 6 of our isolation,” she wrote.

“You mentioned yesterday that these RATs are of course free and available for people in our situation (covid-positive and close-contacts of those who are covid-positive) yet please remind me again (for those of us who aren’t Prime Ministers) where do we (*ahem*) access these free and available RAT test that you and your DHHS have advised me to engage with on day 6?”

Bowditch summarised the situation: “In conclusion, what an… utter, utter, shit-show! Free tickets for all!”

Not one to mince words, Melbourne-based rapper Illy has also shared some thoughts on the government’s handling of RAT sales on Twitter this week.

“Australia, where millions go into lockdown so Gerry Harvey can claim $70m+ in government covid assistance, then everyone gets sick anyway, so Gerry Harvey can make millions selling us testing kits,” he posted on Tuesday.

“Unless your name is Gerry Harvey why the fuck would you vote for these clowns.”

After responding to today’s news that density limits would be re-instated for Victorian venues, he added, “If the last 2 years taught me anything it’s that no political party gives a fuck about the arts until they need us for a fundraiser.”

State governments have also been slammed this week, with one Queensland festival claiming they were “left in the dark” following a COVID outbreak at their event.

Meanwhile, a South Australian festival was forced to can their event due to “constantly changing goalposts and inconsistency of any real financial support coupled with total lack of empathy or respect.”

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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