Bailey Pickles on His Creative Process and Performing LIVE on TikTok

Sure, Bailey Pickles has a killer voice. But ‘singer’ doesn’t come close to describing his talent. The classical pianist turned viral sensation originally took the TikTok platform by storm during COVID-19 lockdowns, with his impressive instrumentals and ability to hear any song, then play it by ear on the spot. Now, Bailey’s an accomplished composer, arranger, producer and songwriter who uses his unique ability to create catchy melodies on the piano that attract millions of views, likes and fans. Backed by confidence in his creativity, Bailey imagines his songs being played in huge stadiums, manifesting his way to music stardom like some of his biggest influences, Coldplay and Charlie Puth. “I would describe my music as colourful and creative, with my piano playing being a big characteristic of my sound,” Bailey explains. “My new song “Let Go” has that [stadium] feeling, which is why I believe in it so much.” He’s not wrong. After a few listens, while scrolling through Bailey’s TikTok profile, it’s easy to imagine yourself dancing and singing along as one voice in a crowd of thousands. The beat is infectious and the lyrics are catchy. “Before I put my music on TikTok, nobody knew about it. Now I have a platform with people all around the world who enjoy my music,” he says. “[It] has always been my main outlet to share my music. It has also become my number one marketing tool for promoting my new songs.” “Let Go” is one of many projects Bailey is completely devoted to in 2023. In addition to its release later this month, he’s also one of five artists headlining TikTok’s LIVE Sunset Sessions. The 15-part series puts the spotlight on emerging artists, like Bailey, giving them a platform to perform live in front of a digital crowd against backdrop hues of the setting sun. “Sunset Sessions [are] a great way for me to connect with my audience through a more structured and planned out set of livestreams,” he says. Not only is Bailey playing his music live, the platform allows him to interact with his fans in the moment. “On these LIVEs, I get a chance to play people’s requests on the spot (even if I haven’t ever heard the song before). Being on LIVE makes this task even more challenging but I love it.” “I am lucky to have people following from all around the world so I am always surprised by the requests that come through.” Bailey’s favourite fan request? Anime songs that offer a bit more of a challenge. “Howl’s Moving Castle always seems to pop up in the chat,” he explains. “It has a really cool chord in it which I haven’t learnt yet so I’ve been replacing it with other chords, but I will find the chord soon.” Bailey’s first Sunset Session was on 13 August, with his next two coming up on October 1st and 22nd. “I hope everyone enjoyed it, I certainly did!” he beams. “The songs I performed were my own, “Let Go” and “Like There’s no One Watching”, as well as a stripped back version of Avicii’s “Waiting for Love” and Olivia Rodrigo’s “Vampire”.” Sunset Sessions is only the beginning for what is sure to be a long career for the young musician. “I want to thank everyone who’s following and sharing my songs and videos,” Bailey says. “I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to TikTok and Sunset Sessions for this amazing opportunity.” “I’m already coming up with ideas for my next LIVE, so make sure to tune in.” You heard him. Catch @baileypickles next LIVE Sunset Sessions on TikTok on October 1st, 5pm AEST and October 22nd, 5pm AEST. Tune in for other talented artists going LIVE throughout September, October and November. |