The Brag Media
News September 27, 2019

Music & radio continue to draw brands to youth market [report]

Music & radio continue to draw brands to youth market [report]

New research by content agency The Media Precinct highlights the importance of music and radio for brands looking to reach the youth market.

It recently presented the findings to more than 40 clients at briefings in Sydney.

Its data showed that 66% of respondents said that music is really important to them.

70% are downloading and/or streaming music on a daily basis.

41% specifically listen to radio for the music, whether it’s for the format or for the amount of new music.

44% prefer stations with more music than talk. But the honourable exception is triple j which they believe is about the music, and its discussions around music more “involved”.

“For us, as strategists, music and pop culture has always been a great identifier of creative trends as they rise,” says The Media Precinct’s content strategy director Gorgia Brewer.

“Musicians, lyricists and creatives have been the voices of generations for a long time.

“While music videos reflect the creative landscape, lyrics are more reflective of the ‘urgency’ that this particular group of youth are experiencing.”

Miley Cyrus is an example cited as a modern artist with a strong appeal to the youth generation.

Brewer explains, “ We used the example of Miley Cyrus’ ‘Mother’s Daughter’ as it directly showcases the angst, anger, and urgency of this generation within both the video and lyrics.

“As a popular figure within society, Miley is effectively using her status to showcase topics such as gender, feminism, and diversity that are at their peak today.”

The new data also showed how the younger demographics’ different way of media consumption gives them a more defined expectation of what they expect from brands.

The five key insights for brands and advertisers were:

• Investing in research and talking directly to your community is paramount

• Commitments to social causes must have achievable short-term goals

• Traditional media shouldn’t be dismissed, it retains an important place but is being consumed differently
• Being honest and not delivering a smoke and mirrors strategy will stop a brand being “cancelled” by young Australians en masse

• Brands need to communicate with young people, not just put a logo on their advertising and pay lip service to an issue

“Young Australians are inherently diverse and want to lead sustainable lives,” says Brewer.

“When they talk about diversity, they have clear expectations on breaking down once-taboo topics such as mental health, which is slowly becoming a mainstream issue with the adoption of anxiety and depression awareness initiatives within programming, however there is still a long way to go.

“For many young Australians sustainability now goes beyond protecting the environment and includes leading holistic lifestyles and making better product choices that reflect those values.”

The group’s changing approach to technology is also significant.

“Interestingly, young Australians are acutely aware of their high level of digital product usage and are taking steps to get off technology and be much more in the moment, including through choosing outdoor experiences over the digital life.

“We have also found many young Australians are regularly signing up and participating in monthly events or rituals and support of values-based causes.

“This has clear implications for Australian brands looking to connect with a diverse and changing audience alert to trends, causes and issues they are willing to support.”

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