The Brag Media
News November 26, 2017

AMPAL board elections announced, Matthew Capper and Clive Hodson in Chair roles

AMPAL board elections announced, Matthew Capper and Clive Hodson in Chair roles

The Australasian Music Publishers’ Association Limited (AMPAL) has held its annual general meeting in Sydney.

At the AGM, Matthew Capper (Warner/Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd), Jaime Gough (Native Tongue Music Publishing), Clive Hodson (Perfect Pitch Publishing), Ian James (Mushroom Music) and Damian Trotter (Sony/ATV Music Publishing) were declared as re-elected to the AMPAL board of directors.

Matthew Capper and Clive Hodson were returned as Chair and Deputy Chair, respectively.

The AMPAL board is elected by the AMPAL membership.

AMPAL is a trade association with more than 50 music publisher members in Australia and New Zealand.

Between them, AMPAL members represent over 90% of the economic value of the music publishing sector.

Originally formed in 1956 by seven Australian music publishers, AMPAL was established at a time of change for the music industry.

Television was becoming a second major user of music for broadcast purposes, and Australian music was being exported, particularly to the UK, for the first time.

AMPAL is a company limited by guarantee with an elected Board of 15 member representatives.

Five members of the Board retire each year by rotation and, if eligible, may stand for re-election.

All members are encouraged to participate in AMPAL’s policy-making.

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