The Brag Media
News February 24, 2021

ARIA appoints Sony’s Sophie Paterson as 2021 board observer

ARIA appoints Sony’s Sophie Paterson as 2021 board observer

Sophie Paterson, Sony Music’s senior director of audience development and digital communications, has been selected as this year’s participant in ARIA’s board observership program.

The board observership program provides the participant with professional development by giving them a unique insight into the workings of ARIA’s board, including its decision-making processes and corporate governance. The program is available to employees within ARIA-member companies.

Prior to joining Sony in 2020, Paterson worked as Spotify ANZ’s head of PR and communications for eight years. Paterson also held a position on ARIA’s emerging leaders committee between 2018 and 2019.

“I am immensely honoured to be joining ARIA this year in the observership role. I cannot think of a better, more challenging and more rewarding time to contribute during what is such an important period of recovery for our amazing industry,” Paterson said in a statement.

ARIA has also announced the re-election of MGM Distribution CEO Sebastian Chase and Media Arts Lawyers principal David Vodicka to the ARIA board.

“I am very happy to welcome Sophie Paterson to the ARIA Observership Program. Sophie’s experience, enthusiasm and commitment to our industry will be highly valuable to the Board and I am sure she will make an amazing contribution over the next year,” ARIA CEO Annabelle Herd added.

“I also congratulate Sebastian Chase and David Vodicka on their re-election to the Board and look forward to working closely with them both.”

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