The Brag Media
News October 27, 2015

Radio Ratings Survey #3: Full analysis

Radio Ratings Survey #3: Full analysis

Another win in Sydney for 2GB, with KIIS 106.5 #1 FM. In Melbourne 3AW are on top, whilst GoldFM and Triple M are equal #1 FM’s.

Brisbane sees 97.3 in front with Nova106.9 second. Over to Adelaide, Mix102.3 still leads, Nova 91.9 is now number 2, and in Perth Mix 94.5 leads, with triple j having a blinder to move to #2.

Analysis below:



It’s a mixed bag for SCA Sydney today, with Triple M having a very good result, but 2Day in all sorts of bother.

  • Triple M has moved up a massive 1.4% to 7.2, with the improvements driven largely 40-54.
  • The growth was, broadly, spread across all dayparts; Breakfast leading the way with a jump of 2% overall.
  • Over at 2Day though, more bad news. Overall the station has slipped to 2.7%, behind Classic FM, and just ahead of Radio National and News Radio.
  • All dayparts fell, with Breakfast on a 2.4% share.
  • Another tough day for the 2Day team, who will be no doubt desperately hoping Hamish & Andy can bring some cume in.


Nova Entertainment also have had a mixed bag, although not as extreme as SCA. A solid book for smoothfm, and a disappointing one for Nova.

  • smoothfm moved up a touch to 7.6%, and into the #3 FM position.
  • Whilst there were no spectacular increases for smooth, it is a consistent, solid result and one that NE will be pleased with.
  • Nova has taken a hit however, falling nearly a point to 6.8, and #5 FM (head of 2Day).
  • The station fell in each daypart, with drive falling heavily by 2.1% and losing the #1 FM position to Hughesy & Kate on KIIS.

Hughesy & Kate
Hughesy & Kate, ARN

A solid as a rock book for ARN, with both stations doing well.

  • KIIS is again #1, and flat on 8.9%.
  • The station is a clear #1 25-39 (it’s heartland), and extremely competitive 18-24, 10-17 and 40-54 – the classic ‘big breakfast show/Hot AC’ pattern.
  • Kyle & Jackie are #1 on Breakfast, ahead of WS, and the big KIIS news is that Hughesy & Kate on Drive have taken the #1 position, jumping 1.3 to 11.3%, with Nova falling to 9.4. KIIS leads drive now by nearly 2%.
  • WS has had a very good result, up a touch overall, and up marginally in all the demos that matter to them.
  • Whilst mornings slipped a little, all other departs were up, with drive the star performer, increasing by 1.4% to a 7.6 share.


The slightly unusual scenario of Macquarie owning 3 stations continues temporarily, and unhelpfully for the new network, all 3 have fallen today.

  • 2GB has taken a fairly decent hit to fall 0.7 to 11.9, with Alan Jones copping the biggest whack – down nearly 2 points. But still number one by a country mile.
  • The dayparts all fell on 2GB, and the most disappointing result is perhaps their 55-64 heartland demo which declined 2.7%.
  • 2UE has fallen by 0.7% overall to 4.1, and the core demos have declined signifcantly.
  • No joy in the dayparts for 2UE either, with only evenings improving.
  • And for the 'still for sale' 2CH, a slight decline to 4.0%, with the damage done across the workday.
  • 2CH has consistenly declined in recent times, and whomever acquires it will have their work cut out for them.


A flat result for the ABC, and in that sense probably disappointing, as they'd be hoping 702 would bounce back you'd imagine.

  • 702 is flat on an 8.0 share with no real movements in the dayparts of note, although a tidy jump 55-64 in the demos.
  • triplej up a touch, and only 0.3% behind Nova 96.9.
  • triplej has reclaimed the #1 spot 18-24 and is very competitive 25-39.



Overall a pretty good day for ARN Melbourne, with Gold pulling one out the bag, and KIIS perhaps finding a baseline position to grow from.

  • The big story for ARN in Melbourne is Gold though, wtih the station jumping a significant 1.1% to take the equal #1 FM position (with Triple M).
  • Although, the growth was largely out of demo, with the 25-39's and 55-64's driving the increase….but hey, we don't think they'll argue.
  • The dayparts were very strong, with Breakfast finally seeing a nice jump; moving ahead of KIIS, Fox, and equal with Nova, and the 9-4 performance very strong.
  • KIIS is steady at around 6.2% overall, in last FM place, 0.1% behind Nova.
  • Not a lot to see in the dayparts, none of the dayparts really moved; although drive is no 0.1% of the #1 FM position in Melbourne following the decline fo Fox and Nova in drive.


Triple M’s AFL commentary team
Triple M's AFL commentary team

The standout performer for SCA Melbourne is once again Triple M, who drive strong share off the back of a very good Breakfast show and the great halo that football provides in that market.

  • Triple M is equal #1 FM (with Gold), up to 7.9% overall.
  • Breakfast and Drive both increased strongly – both heavy with sports content, and weekends jumped a 1.3% share overall, again with heavy footy content.
  • Fox held overall at 6.9%, however due to other movements has fallen from equal #2 FM to #4 FM.
  • Breakfast is tight amongst the FM stations in Melbourne, but despite the closeness of the margins, SCA will not be happy that 'Fifi & Dave' is now the #5 FM Breakfast show.
  • Fox leads format-competitors Nova and KIIS in all dayparts except Breakfast, so expect a concerted effort from Fox to address that challenge.


A mixed bag for Nova Entertainment with a very good smoothfm result, and a weakening Nova one.

  • smoothfm has moved up by 0.5% overall, and is now in #3 FM ranking, just a half a point of the #1 position.
  • The demos are looking pretty healthy: 55-64 # FM, competitive 40-54, and growing 25-39. The female splits would be even better.
  • In the dayparts it's a good story, each daypart improved, with smoothfm #1 FM in Mornings and on Weekends.
  • Nova has slipped, only by 0.4%, but enough to fall to the #5 FM position.
  • All demos fell, and 25-39's slipped by 1.7% dropping Nova back behind Triple M and triplej in this demo.
  • Daytimes are proving a challenge, with Nova now in last (FM) place across 9-4, and Drive falling by nearly a point to the #4 FM position – although to be fair the drive margins are very tight.


An ordinary day for the newly branded Macquarie Network in Melbourne, with both stations taking decent whacks.

  • The 3AW fortress has slipped 1.7% to 13.7, still #1, but starting to look perhaps not as impenetrable as it has traditionally been.
  • Concerning for 3AW would be that the declines in their demos were largely mirrored by gains on ABC774.
  • The big result here was Neil Mitchell falling by over 4 points, and Jon Faine now #1 with a strong margin.
  • Still; 3AW is #1 by a long way.
  • Following the much publicised 'cleanout' of the lineup, Magic has fallen heavily, shedding around 20% of its audience.
  • Magic dropped to 3.7%; with heavy declines in the core demos.
  • Interestingly, Breakfast held steady, the daypart damage was confined to Afternoons and Drive.


  • A solid, if unspectacular, day for Pacific Star's SEN. Up by 0.3% to a 4.6, and up in all demos over 40.
  • The dayparts (across BMAD) all improved, with Mornings doing particularly well on 5.5%; ahead of Nova and Magic, and just behind KIIS.

774’s Jon Faine
ABC 774's Jon Faine

Great day for both ABC stations in Melbourne, particularly 774.

  • ABC774 has improved 1.1% to 11.5, and is again a very competitive #2 overall behind 3AW.
  • Jon Faine in mornings added 2.6 to move to 15.0% overall, and a clear #1 over his arch rival Neil Mitchell on 3AW.
  • The rest of the dayparts also increased, although not to the extent of Faine in Mornings.
  • triplej moved up half a point to be narrowly behind KIIS and Nova overall.
  • The triplej growth was largely driven from 9-4, where it out-rates Nova, KIIS and Fox.


Brisbane is still about 97.3 but NE is closing the gap.


  • 97.3 hold a clear 1.4 point lead ahead of Nova – 13.7% share, 10+ down from 14.3.
  • They made gains under 24 but lost nearly 4 points in 25-39’s. 40-54’s down a bit as well.
  • 97.3 breakfast is now number 1 pulling a 13.6.
  • The ground Hughesy & Kate gained in survey 2 has been lost this round with Daytime listening for 97.3 down overall this round.
  • 4KQ took a hit down a full point to 7.7%.
  • 4KQ breakfast again lost some of the ground placing them now 6thin the market.


Triple M had a great book this survey with the biggest increase of any station in Brisbane. For hit105 down a touch.

Rock you he will. MMM Arvo Jock Anakin Skyrocker
​MMM Arvo Jock Anakin Skyrocker

Hero moment for Triple M, surging 1.5 points to pull a 9.1. That places them 4thin the market 10 plus.

  • Huge increase in 25-39’s for Triple M, now puts them second in that demo.
  • They also made gains in 40-54’s.
  • Ripper result for breakfast (just as Michelle Anderson exited the show last week), up 1.7 pulling a 9.3 share. Putting them fourth overall.
  • All other dayparts are up as well as they recover from the survey #2 hit.
  • hit105 lost the ground for book 3, an even 8 share for them.
  • They lost ground on the demo’s under 40 this round. And lost more in 25-39’s, secondtime in a row.
  • Stav & Abby in breakfast lost a full point – a 7.3 down from 8.3 last round.


They are closing the gap on 97.3 slowly, up again this book with a 12.3 share 10+.

  • It still places them second in the market given ARN still has a good lead with 97.3.
  • Nova had a nice boost in 18-24’s and 25-39’s, with 10-17’s steady.
  • triple j dominance last round in 18-24’s evaporated with Nova now in the lead.
  • Nova are still a clear number 1 in 25 to 39’s overall.
  • Breakfast for Nova had another ripper result, up 1 point to hold 12.7 of the breakfast pie.
  • All other dayparts are up as well


It’s the first round with the all new line-up on 4BC and they have increased their 10 plus share.

  • Breakfast had another small increase for 4BC, a 6.3% share for Alan Jones.
  • Mornings with Ray Hadley also up a bit up with a 5.8 share from 5.4 last book.
  • All other shifts on the station increased a bit as well except Drive which went down.
  • For music brand Magic882, an increase 10 plus for this round
  • Magic also made ground across the day with Breakfast, Mornings, Afternoons and Drive up.


612 ABC is steady in Brisbane this round. A comfortable 10.6 share down from 10.7, which places them third in the market and way clear of any talk competitor in their space.

  • Spencer took another hit in breakfast, losing his number 1 mantle to 97.3 and dropping back to be third overall.
  • A bit of mixed bag for 612 across the other dayparts.
  • For triple j, they have again lost some share again this survey – down from 8.9 to 7.8 ten plus.



Adelaide has been a happy hunting ground for Nova Entertainment over the last 18 months or so, and that has continued today with a terrific result.

  • Nova 91.9 continues to dominate the under 40 landscape in Adelaide with increases in each demo; and an absolutely dominant position under 40.
  • The station performs well across all dayparts and particularly well, compared to Sydney and Melbourne, in the 9-4 zone.
  • Nova is #2 FM, but the gap to #3 is massive.
  • The only downside for Nova is losing the #1 Drive ranking to Mix’s new ‘Hughesy & Kate’ show.
  • FIVEaa has grown nicely in the middle of the footy season with the core demos all improving.
  • Each daypart grew, as did weekends when the station becomes heavily footy-focused.
  • FIVEaa is #4 overall on 12.0%, only 0.1% off their nemesis ABC 891.

Mix 102.3 daytime jock Lynne Hayes
Mix 102.3 daytime jock Lynne Hayes, ARN

ARN seemingly can’t put a foot wrong in Adelaide. Both Cruise and Mix are flying.

  • Mix is #1 overall again on 14.3, a lead of nearly 2% over Nova and around double the SCA stations share.
  • Every demo up, aside from a slight dip 40-54, but they’re still #1 so that won’t be overly concerning.
  • A major driver of the improve was drive with Hughesy & Kate, which has knocked off Nova in drive to take the #1 ranking.
  • Cruise is quite the station, an AM music station, ahead of some of the FM’s and well and truly punching above it’s weight with an 8.8% overall and in the #4 commercial position in the market.
  • Of course, it has an older profile, so it’s not as saleable – particularly for agency revenue, but in Adelaide (the oldest market in the country) it’s a strong performer and ARN would be extremely pleased.


A flat result for SCA in Adelaide with neither station really moving overall.

  • Triple M up a touch to 8.5. Would have been more if not for a big hit in drive, which perhaps may be fallout from the Andrew Jarman incident during this survey.
  • Triple M is a closer #2 40-54 this survey, due mainly to a 1.3% decline on Mix.
  • hit107 is flat on a 6.0% share.
  • Still a long way behind, but they would be pleased to see some improvements 18-24 and teens, offset by a decline 25-39.
  • The other bright spot for hit107 is an improvement across the workday; however Breakfast declining by nearly a point is unhelpful.
  • A long way to go for both SCA stations in Adelaide.


Not a bad result in Adelaide for the ABC, with a little bit of movement in some areas.

  • On the surface the triplej result overall being down 0.4% doesn't look great, however all the declines were out of target, and in fact their 18-39 share improved.
  • ABC 891 was off a touch; up 40-54, down 55-64, and remaining narrowly ahead of FIVEaa overall.



It might be one up and one down, but we're thinking SCA will be extremely pleased with Perth today; given hit92.9 has finally shown some decent growth.

  • There is still a long way to go, however an increase of 0.7% to 7.2% will be welcome relief for SCA and the Perth team.
  • Every demo has increased (under 55) with 18-24's and Teens particularly strong; in fact hit929 is #1 (commercial FM) in the 18-24 demo with a narrow margin over Nova. But still half of triple j.
  • Brekky on hit929 has improved by 1.3% to 6.6%. Long way to go, but perhaps this is the start of the growth.
  • Mix fell a touch to 13.5%, however it remains the leading Perth station by a strong margin.
  • Mix wins 9-4 FM, but takes second spot in Breakfast and Drive to Nova.

Nova’s Nathan, Nat & Shaun
Nova's Nathan, Nat & Shaun, Nova

Perth is a strong result for Nova, albeit with 1 or 2 little things to look at.

  • Back to #2 FM, leapfrogging 96FM. Nova now on 11.3%.
  • Nova has moved to #1 FM in Breakfast and retained #1 in Drive.
  • The red mark for Nova is 18-24, where they declined 3.5% to slip to #2 behind hit92.9 and triplej.
  • Mind you, they remain #1 FM 25-39, so whilst Nova won't be pleased to slip 18-24, they'd take 25-39 every day of the week.


The ink is barely dry on the acquisition and already Perth is looking like a market where ARN need to do a bit of work.

  • 96FM has slipped a touch overall, into #4 position on 10.9%.
  • Down 25-39's and 18-24's (although the latter is irrelevant to them).
  • But of most concern perhaps the decline of Breakfast and the softer performance across the workday.
  • For a station with a slight male skew, 96FM would be probably expecting stronger workday numbers.


  • Woah…who saw this one coming. 6IX jumping by 1.1% to a 6 share.
  • Increases in all the demos over 40, and all the dayparts.
  • Strong result for 6IX.


  • On the flipside, a poor result for Macquarie….been a tough day around the group for them.
  • 6PR has fallen a significant 1.8% to 7.2; equal with hit92.9.
  • The dayparts (excluding evenings) have been smashed, and all the demos over 25 have copped a whack.

triplej’s Matt & Alex
triple j's Matt & AlexABC

A tale of two stations for the ABC; triple j on fire, and ABC720 having a softer result.

  • triple j in Perth has always done well, and this result is a big one.
  • Up nearly 3% to a 12 share; outrating Nova, hit92.9 and 96FM.
  • triple j is #1 18-24, #1 25-39, #1 18-39 and probably #1 18-54 in Perth. If they could sell commercials they'd make a fortune in Perth.
  • The dayparts are just as good. Great triplej result.
  • A softening result for ABC720, most dayparts off a touch, and most demos off a little as well.
  • That said; a 9.8% overall isn't bad, and the station will be likely to return to double figures soon enough.

Courtesy Radio Today

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