The Brag Media
News May 24, 2017

Apple refuse to take blame after headphones explode mid-flight, injuring woman

Apple refuse to take blame after headphones explode mid-flight, injuring woman

You may remember the shocking images that did the rounds back in February, after an Australian woman was badly burnt when her battery-operated Apple headphones exploded into the side of her face during a flight.

The woman (who has chosen to remain anonymous) was asleep on the Beijing to Melbourne flight when the headphones exploded, causing burns to her hair, face and hands. After she filed a lawsuit, Apple have come out with a statement blaming the batteries in the headphones, rather than the Apple product itself.

“Our investigation indicated the issue was caused by a third-party battery,” an Apple representative said in a statement.

“The headphones don’t work without batteries, yet nowhere on the headphones — or their packaging — did it specify which brand of batteries should be used,” she countered in a statement.

The woman was only seeking reimbursement to replace her headphones and the clothes she was wearing, which were burnt during the explosion. Regardless of blame, this is a very poor PR move by Apple.

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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