The Brag Media
News February 19, 2020

ABC responds to Gen Fricker’s claims of security flaws and ‘oblivious’ leadership

ABC responds to Gen Fricker’s claims of security flaws and ‘oblivious’ leadership

Gen Fricker’s outgoing remarks have caught the attention of fans, media and certainly her former employer, the ABC.

The former triple j presenter has spoken at some length about her ordeals with a stalker, who in September 2018 confronted her alone in a studio at the Corporation’s Ultimo HQ.

Chatting to Marie Claire’s Finding Fearless podcast, Fricker said the experience was a traumatic one, and totally avoidable. The ABC, she said, needed to do more to protect its female staff and noted there’s a “layer at the top there that’s oblivious to the world.”

The ABC responded to Fricker’s claims with a prepared statement. Today, in a statement to TIO, the Corporation responds to several of the radio and stage professional’s specific claims.

triple j host Gen Fricker

Gen Fricker

On Fricker’s comments:

– Her stalker got into the ABC seven or eight times before he got to triple j
– “Nobody thought to tell me anything”
– He “literally cased the joint by being on ABC tours”
– The stalker knew the location of the fire escape and left without being detected

ABC’s Response:

The ABC completed a comprehensive security incident report after the incident and we have found no information to support this claim. All security measures were reviewed and upgraded following the incident.


“The response I got from the ABC was essentially ‘this isn’t our fault. ‘You can take as much time off as you like but we don’t have to do anything.’’”

ABC’s Response:

The ABC offered constant support and care to Gen immediately after the assault and throughout her remaining time at triple j, over some 16 months. This support included the provision of counselling, additional security, financial support, transport, flexible working arrangements and additional production and staff support. The ABC also placed additional security around the building, including increased patrols of the triple j offices.


I asked for an accountability report and didn’t hear anything for a month then for an email saying “sorry we’re a bit busy at the moment”

ABC’s Response:

The ABC was in constant contact with Gen and her manager and responded promptly and comprehensively to all her requests, including the provision of a security incident report and agreed return-to-work plan.


Executives are “oblivious to women and the issues that they face”.

ABC’s Response:

The ABC has a strong track record of supporting female staff across all working areas, including personal safety and well-being and policies supporting equal pay and representation of women across the organisation. In respect of this incident, the ABC also held meetings with triple j’s female staff to discuss any concerns they might have and held team workshops on cyber safety for female staff.


Requests to tell security about her initial run in with the stalker weren’t passed on.

ABC’s Response:

This is incorrect. ABC Security discussed the initial incident with Gen and her manager and provided advice about additional security precautions and options such as reporting the matter to the police.


“I asked for a response or a policy about sexual violence or violence against female presenters”.

ABC’s Response:

The ABC has a comprehensive system in place to respond to any such incidents to support the health and well-being of our employees. This cross-disciplinary approach includes the ABC’s People & Culture, ABC Security and associated teams to support our staff.

Within the People & Culture team, the ABC has a dedicated Injury Management team comprising three female medically trained members who support our employees with any injuries in connection with work. This team is supported by the broader People & Culture team, made up of experienced human resource professionals, a dedicated Trauma lead and a Workplace Health and Safety team who support our staff in dealing with these types of incidents.

The ABC also provides employee assistance programs and services to all our staff and we regularly encourage staff to make use of these services.


Other presenters at JJJ were stalked that year.

ABC’s Response:

The ABC does not tolerate any harassment of our employees. ABC Security has a comprehensive security plan and takes all reasonable steps to mitigate risks and ensure the safety and well-being of our employees.


Her boss’ shrugged off a dick pic sent to the text line as, “oh gross”.

ABC’s Response:

ABC presenters are given support and training in moderating text messages, including briefings for triple j’s female staff. We take any offensive text messages or images very seriously to ensure the well-being of our staff. In Gen’s case, the ABC also arranged for her triple j SMS line to be monitored and triaged to reduce the risk of causing her further stress or distress.

This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.

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