The Brag Media
News November 2, 2015

More speakers for WA Music Conference, panels unveiled

The WA Music association’s WA Music Conference has added four more speakers, bringing the tally up to 64.

They are A&R chief John Mullen of Dew Process and Create/Control; Zac Nichols of Perth’s X-Press Magazine, Andrew Mathwin of Clarity Communications and Kylie Thompson from Sorrento Strategic Accounting.

It has also outlined the panel sessions over the two days at the State Theatre Centre of WA.


Welcome address: by WAM CEO Mike Harris

Keynote by Noisey Editor in Chief and Brooklyn Vegan blogger Fred Pessaro on the future of music journalism, what it’s like to work for media parent company Vice and what makes a ”‘hipster capital of the worfd”.

Are We Cool Yet: what A&R reps look for in an artist, what excites labels looking for new acts and how “cool” is really defined.

Facelifting Festivals: becoming a promoter of a successful festival and why some fail and others flourish.

The Biz – Starting A Successful Music Business: the need for business acumen, with panellists outlining how they started and how they keep their companies above water.

Showcase Me: what attendees or performers at music exports like BIGSOUND and Singapore’s Music Matters how to approach these and how tomake the most of the experience.

Publicity Masterclass(y): the essential nature of mastering the art of publicity to build your following, develop your profile and provide more revenue opportunities. The panel will look at writing successful media releases and develop PR plans.

Knights of The Live Table: a discussion on how live music venues are the life-blood of the music industry, how the rest of Australia is trying to protect them, and what plans are underway in WA.

Synching & Publishing 101: tapping into the lucrative revenue streams of Sync licensing and publishing, and the many opportunities that are accessible for all.

Big In Japan: how to make your mark, especially through DIY tours, in one of the most pop culture-obsessed countries on the planet, and how to make Japan’s dedication to following Western trends work for Australian musicians.

Keep On Streaming: how the interplay of music, tech and marketing can help build your act as a brand.


Get Smart, On Socials: communication experts on how to keep one step ahead of the ever-changing social media landscape and learn how to make the most of online power.

Total Control: The State Vs. Music: How Government regulation has played a key role in making or breaking major music events, and the creative ways festival producers have managed this relationship.

To DIY or not to DIY?: with so many options to record music, which are best

Love Thy Aunty: accessing opportunities across ABC Radio’s various networks from five of its presenters.

All The Things: a final session where a selection of industry folks from a range of sectors reveal what they learned from the conference and the WAM Festival.



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