WIN one of three Sennheiser XS Wireless microphones!

Got a few gigs booked in this summer and could use a vocal upgrade, or just sick of tripping over your mic cord in rehearsal? We’ve got some early Christmas presents to give away thanks to the crew at Sennheiser – three XS Wireless 1 microphones.
Compact, portable and easy to use – but packing plenty of volume – the XS Wireless 1 is a great option for anyone in need of flexible amplification. It can sort out the rest of the band too, with 10 channels of wireless connection, automatic frequency management and, most importantly, a rock-solid connection.
The sound you’ll get out of the included mic is up to the level we’d expect of Sennheiser too, with feedback protection and quality components that’ll hold up to the most intense gigs, with everything sweat-resistant.
And while it might sound pretty mundane, battery life is another big factor in any wireless mic; thankfully, the XSW1 knocks it out of the park, lasting for days before needing a freshen up.
So, how do you go about winning one of these beauties? Just drop your details in our mailing list below, and winners will be announced by Christmas and notified by email. Good luck!
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This article originally appeared on The Industry Observer, which is now part of The Music Network.